ISTC Communicator

Communicator is the authoritative, award-winning journal for UK technical communicators. It is home to high-quality, objective, and peer-reviewed features — current, relevant, and in-depth.

Communicator is published quarterly, and offers:

  • News, current discussions, and reports from events
  • Case studies, methods, and technology
  • Book reviews and tool reviews
  • Articles on the trends, culture, and theory of technical communications, for example: editing, indexing, translation, DITA, content management, social media.
  • Tips on writing and best practices
  • Community listings, so you can get involved in events, forums, and local area groups
  • Expert opinions and contacts

Empathy in Every Detail: The Key to Successful Developer Documentation

The article in the ISTC Communicator Autumn 2023 Issue

Published in: ISTC Communicator Autumn 2023
Publication date: October, 2023

This article explores the importance of understanding and addressing user needs in developer documentation.

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UK Technical Communication Awards — platformOS Developer Portal

The article in the ISTC Communicator Winter 2019 Issue

Published in: ISTC Communicator Winter 2019
Publication date: December, 2019

In this article, I share some insights on building the UKTC Award winning platformOS Developer Portal including content, strategy, workflow, and community.

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